Love, Cancer, Kids, IVF, etc..
I decided to write our story because probably it can helps someone, give hopes or another perspective. My husband got Testicle cancer with spread in the peritoneal area (2013). He underwent two surgeries: Orchiectomy and Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection (RPLND). Unfortunately one of the side effects of the RPLND is retrograde ejaculation. He was told by the surgeon that he will never be able to have antegrade ejaculation. The way to go for having family was IVF (In vitro fertilization). Two years after the diagnose of cancer, we started our first ICSI/TESE. Long protocol, Puregon 75 IU, 14 eggs, 8 fertilized, 6 good enough. 4 Embryo transfers, all negative. No one really prepared us for such a difficult journey both physically and emotionally. We decided to try in Spain, Second ICSI/TESE. Short protocol 75 IU menopur 75 IU Puregon, 18 eggs, 13 mature, 6 fertilized, just 2 survived 3 days. One Transfer of two 3 days embryo, 10 cells, 8 cells, less than 5% fra...